Feedback left on a sign asking for feedback, at Wollaton Hall.
I'm not sure what I like most about this, the honesty of the answer, the wilful misinterpretation of a rather vague sign, or the person who corrected the extra 'f' from the end of 'off'. “We’ve ordered shelving for our museum stores, and after an email sent a fortnight ago saying there was a delay, I’ve been unable to contact the lady who sent it to me?.... On Holiday? Ok. Can I talk to my project manager there?... no longer with the company?.... Can I get anyone to explain what the paperwork error was that meant my delivery was cancelled three days before it was expected to arrive here, leaving us rearranging staff hours and unable to complete a project ensuring the safe storage of our archive?... Yes I’ll hold, Thankyouverymuch” I somehow, luckily, seemed to a caring and competent person on the phone. After I randomly stabbed numbers on their automated reception system, in the hope that it would give me a real person at some point. Extra: 12.45. The infra-red beam on one of our people counters has stopped working, and while I spent 20 minutes poking, prodding and cussing to discover this, someone almost stood on me. So that now adds to my list today: needing to order a new counter, and hoping like heck we can get one before the Easter rush. Extra 14.34. My computer won't let me print screen, then paste the screen image into the document I'm using to layout my next set of exhibition posters. IT are en route to scare it into working. If not, then badly drawn representations of images using shapes and clip art it is! It's not all about looking at cool artwork, accessing the archive and creatively putting great displays together. At least today there's nothing nasty to clean up... yet... No comic today, although there was an unexpected midweek comic a couple of days ago. So in the meantime, welcome to a very not suitable for work, or pretty much suitable for anyone, museum.
"The Icelandic Phallological Museum is probably the only museum in the world to contain a collection of phallic specimens belonging to all the various types of mammal found in a single country." It began as a laugh, and now is For Science! Er.,. and sort of giggles. Browse, and share the humour/horror of this unusual visitor attraction! The Directors of the National Portrait Gallery, National Gallery, Tate and National Museums Liverpool should be applauded for behaviour other businessmen could learn a lot from. Taking the step to refuse their bonus, or donating it back, in 2010/2011 shows how seriously they are taking the situation with regards to funding cuts, redundancies and other major issues. The Museum's Journal has the full details, so find out more, and share this story to let people know that there are shining stars out there who do care enough about the bigger picture around them to put that, and their organisation in general, before their own benefit.
Webcomic and occasional blog about the heritage sector. Follow The Attendant:Topics
AuthorAll text and images are produced by and copyright of the artist, holder of the domain name of Archives
February 2023