The awkward moment when your museum finds that a local facebook page has been cheerfully copy/pasting your facebook events to create Their Own event pages, because they think it'll help your events reach more people.
What is mainly seems to do is reach people, confuse them, and make them frustrated over unanswered questions in the event discussion section. Why didn't we answer your question on the event page? We weren't notified about a question on the event page. There isn't a question on the event page. Oh, that's a link to an event page which isn't ours. But looks exactly like our event page... Road to hell, best intentions, paving, and all that. I'd like your good museum stories!
I mentioned while chatting with a representative from Museums Journal that museum staff should embrace and shout out more about the good things which happen to them. Because it's those moments that keep us going, and often tip the day massively back into the light again. I'd like to turn some of your "then suddenly the noisy kids were engrossed" or "my colleagues bough me flowers" into cartoons which show the rewarding side and beauty of working in museums and galleries. Please comment here, drop me a message on my contact form, or let me know on Facebook or Twitter! You can be anonymous if you like (I know most of you prefer that) or open about who, what and where. It's your choice. 1. Lengthy series of emails as we establish with someone planning a visit what we can and can't provide for them.
1.5. They engage emotional blackmail to try and get what they want. 2. We reach an understanding. In which we carefully aren't going outside of the bounds of what we offered to begin with. 3. They are happy, but tell us to contact someone else, now organising the visit. 3.5. We wonder why we have to contact them, not them us, but, OK. 4. We contact them, nervously including the line "Hopefully you are up to speed on the discussions with your colleague." 5. An entirety different person contacts us, to say they're running the visit. 6. They ask for THE EXACT SAME THINGS we refused to do for the first person. |
Webcomic and occasional blog about the heritage sector. Follow The Attendant:Topics
AuthorAll text and images are produced by and copyright of the artist, holder of the domain name of Archives
February 2023