"No offence but, what are you doing working here? You look normal."
That made me laugh this morning! I had no idea there was a sort of rating or sliding scale system in use. Perhaps a bit like Normal For Norfolk (NFN) being an alleged NHS term, then our sector needs some for some of our stereotypes? "I only got work here because I'm an SUWOOWA" (scrubs up well out of work artist) "Our new fine arts chap is a bit MANDID" (Master of arts, dressed in dark) "We're looking for a new KOL room guide." (kindly old lady)
“All this happened, more or less.” Wait, no, this is a slightly different story, it involves poor copywriting, the National Trust and the centenary of the Titanic. In February I spotted an advert promoting forthcoming events in the National Trust magazine which veered from “ill fated liner” to “enjoy afternoon tea” in one paragraph. This juxtaposition I had to query, and so I requested more details about the activities. Dress up activities for the kiddies and nautical knot tying all flummoxed me a bit. Thus began a voyage that held conflicting personal details and letters being sent saying that letters would be sent. It’s taken some flipping time but I have now had a full and very sensible answer. Yet more has been stolen from museums, so here is a heads up to spread and share in case anyone sees or hears about the items. A Henry Moore sculpture: Sundial 1965, has been stolen from the grounds of the Henry Moore Foundation on July 11th. It's not known if it was stolen for scrap metal, as it's worth £500,000! Also a night time raid on the Redoubt Fortress and Military Museum on July 3rd resulted in war artefacts worth about £16,000 being stolen. Details about those items, mainly medals, are given in the PDF below.
Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs is a quite good and fun old board game.
The Lost Valley is a nice wooded area at The Lost Gardens of Heligan. The two should not be confused or you get to drag a whinging thirtysomething around claiming that the whole place would be much better with some large fiberglass monsters in the undergrowth. I missed the first episode of the BBC Wales series The Exhibitionists, having not realised that the BBC i player showed it until too late. In a nutshell, 5 members of the public have 2 experts put them through a series of art based hoops, remove one each week, then the remaining 2 contestants put on exhibitions. I had my doubts when I first heard about it. On the one hand, inviting the public in, showing some of the processes and thoughts behind exhibition planning, creating a dialogue. On the other hand, using the popularist reality voting off method to create tension and viewer emotional buy in. Having seen an episode now, I feel quite mixed, erring to the “oh what a shame” end of the spectrum. Today you get a bit of a bloggage as I’ve just come back from Prague, and figure if you ever go over there then you may find some advice handy. This goes from basic survival to a bit more about some of the museums, galleries and sights. From what I saw, it’s a great place, I’m in love with it and I would like you to meet this wonderful city too.
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February 2023