I may well edit this better in the future, but this was far too amusing to not share with you while English museums have only just reopened, and masks etc are still being worn.
What happens when the staff have had free run of their venue for some time, and are in a good mood after binge watching Disney+?
Has your museum reopened this last week or so?
You may be more knackered than you realise. Your colleagues may be more knackered than you, or they, realise. 🥰 Be patient. With yourself, and those around you. 🌄 Add mental downtime breaks into your day. 👋 Ask people "Really, how are you?" and be open about how you're feeling yourself. You may find that feeling tired from working in your open museum again won't really hit you until you stop, so plan for gentle time when you are off work. Let friends and family know you may be mentally exhausted all of a sudden, and ask in advance for a little understanding. Details correct at time of writing: 25th May 2021
As I have discovered starting to venture into the world post May lockdown roadmap, a couple of changes for venue check-ins in England seem to have been poorly communicated to a lot of venues, or to their staff. Couple that with most of the public getting their lockdown information from media outlets, which often don’t communicate more than the “exciting” changes (You can go to the pub in these numerical groups!) and someone looking for tea and cake with gran as part of their visit to your museum may get a bit huffy about the changes.* If your venue is in England, and especially if it has a cafe, a few things you need to really know/think about at the moment: It was confirmed yesterday that in England, as of May 17th, indoor entertainment venues may reopen, in line with details such as the Rule of 6 or 2 households, social distancing etc, masks.
Your museum, venue or gallery may have had plans for weeks, already announced a date for reopening, perhaps even be taking bookings and selling tickets. Or you may have had to wait for the confirmation of changes before your management were willing to confirm and say anything. You might even be in a difficult place of being unable to reopen, or unwilling to just yet. Either way, I bet that there's an uptick in your query emails, so to help as the same answers need to keep being provided in a chipper tone, how about a game of bingo? |
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February 2023