I actually had to be part of a situation like this.
The venue had failed to think through the full ramifications of opening times and staff hours, but it was eventually worked out, although had an understandable knock on effect on new staff who had been planning their travel arrangements around the orignally advertised job times. It's a bit rubbish too, having to tell someone who has just finished their visit that they can't buy anything, because you have already closed the till up.
Just had to endure a journey of "How many ways can you tell a customer no, while still being polite?"
The gent let me go through "That information isn't available, but will be in a few months' time" and then joined me to traverse the lands of "because it's all subject to change" with a meander through "Even if you're happy to accept that the details may change, I don't have the details to give you". We had a foray into " It's not that they're not to hand, I just don't have access to those details." prior to a ramble across "if we released unconfirmed details, it would cause visitor disappointment if details change" and he enjoyed the view at "You may be kind enough to appreciate the situation, but not all visitors are as understanding, forgiving or as smart as you! ha ha!" He led us up towards "I can explain the process we use to help confirm details, but that won't get you any unconfirmed details or hints you can use to extrapolate from what has happened previously." Bit windy up there, but he wanted to take the detour. Finally, we drew to a halt at "I can give you the email address for that department, and you can ask directly" with a cup of tea at "but you'll pretty much get the same reply..." The quirk of fate which means the information desk in the office has back to back phone calls and phone messages - presumably because it's everyone else's lunch break - meaning there's a sandwich staring, forlornly, across the desk for two hours. A colleague just sent our weekly update for large events we have planned - and I had to double take at his approach
Bewildering Americans aahhhh, endless fun. To be fair, he did laugh after a second, and I did then direct him to the best local display for the evening.
(and yes, there's no L in Fawkes. Um, I can only blame being tired from quite a busy weekend and my pen not having a spell checker on it) I just read this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-20146713 and was rendered speechless through a fog of confused and bemused rage.
f you don't know, I used to work at Nottingham castle and on a frequent basis had people asking "Where's the castle?" as they expected the towers and turrets of Hollywood fiction. Also "Where did Marion/The Sherrif/Robin live?" and "Where are the dungeons where Robin was kept?" We would try and give a potted explanation that it's all a lot of stories and legends rolled together from different time periods, and if you really want a Robin Hood hat the gift shop is over there thankyuvermuch. There are plans to revamp the castle, taking advantage of, and explaining (finally) all that stuff, and using it as a way to link from the legends into the real events and times that spawned and changed the myth (hating the Normans, mocking religious figures, viscous tax collecting needed for Richard's wars, etc). The castle really needs some TLC and this will tap into why a lot of people visit, while also steering them to discover and appreciate the genuine history and stories. And now, plans near Sherwood Forest for... this! |
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February 2023