I you fancy some extra food for thought in 2020, I have three blogs and peeps for you heritage and museum bods to give a follow, and get some fantastic content popped right to your inboxes. My first bit of advice is to get signed up to Museum 2.0. When this excellent blog appears into my email it's always worth a read. It sometimes challenges my preconceptions, often asks questions which I can apply to myself, my work or venue, and is a very engaging site, taking the discussion to twitter, and bringing in quotes from folks chatting on there. http://museumtwo.blogspot.com/
My final blog recommendation for your 2020: Colleen Dilenschneider provides fascinating articles and videos grounded in hard data, with a focus on why data analysis is a valuable tool for cultural venues. From looking at if admission fees are what stops visitors visiting, to why members of your organisation may or may not renew their membership. That may sound dry, but oh boy, it's often eye opening and always accessibly presented - well worth signing up! https://www.colleendilen.com/ If you have some top bloggers you find help you think more about your museum and cultural work, please do comment below, and I'll check them out!
4/7/2020 07:13:49 pm
Just checked these out and all seem like good suggestions. The data info one is packed for potential reading. Thanks!
The Attendant
19/8/2020 03:42:26 pm
If you've been following Colleen's blog through the pandemic it's been fascinating seing the stats about visitor intentions and what they percieve as safe measures in venues.
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February 2023